As a promoter of economic growth, locally, CampiaTurzii aims at creating an investment climate that favours partnerships and capitalises existent resources.


CampiaTurzii is situated next to the Transilvania motorway exit which ensures proximity both to ClujNapoca and TarguMures , facilitating quick transportation to the three counties: ClujNapoca, TarguMures and Alba Iulia.

The fact that “AvramIancu” international airport from ClujNapoca and “Transilvania” international airport from TarguMures are at a distance of approximately 50 km from the city, gives CampiaTurzii access to countless airways, both cargo and commercial. Only 10 km away, there is the motorway junction that gives quick access to Alba Iulia.

For those interested in developing commercial activities, the work force which is qualified in the iron and steel industry, steelwork, light industry, crafts, represents an opportunity worth capitalising.

At the same time Campia Turzii offers facilities in other domains:


  • There are land areas favourable to agriculture
  • The possibility to extent fruit growing and viticulture in the area


  • 100% existence of power grid
  • 90% existence of water supply
  • 90% existence of gas grid
  • The existence of internet and telephone network
  • The existence of paved roads
  • Important cities in the vicinity (TarguMures, Cluj-Napoca, Alba Iulia)
  • Green areas
  • Railway network
  • Access roads to E60


CampiaTurzii’s industrial area has unique facilities, very important for the production industry: railway, high voltage electrical energy, water and sewerage network, natural gas grid.

Due to the policies for the investors ‘benefit, our city has accomplished, in only one year, to entirely populate The Industrial Park CampiaTurzii , however in our cities there are two more areas with industrial potential (the Reif industrial area and the former integrated iron and steel work).

This year work on the Tetarom 5 Industrial Park will begin. It is an area of 100 hectares which will be placed at a 5 km distance from CampiaTurzii with direct access to the A3 motorway.

There are also local entrepreneurs who have developed their business in a short period of time and who managed to offer jobs in various domains. A security component of the area lies in the fact that the crime rate is very low.


  • The geographic position is favourable to tourism development
  • Resourceful and outstanding natural setting
  • There is a vast area of forests and grazing lands
  • The possibility of organising sightseeing trips
  • The possibility to practice all types of tourism, especially fishing.

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